KSP Version-
Operating System and version- Windows 10 Home version 21H2
CPU and GPU models-
GPU: NVIDIA RTX 3060, CPU: Intel i7-10700F
Description of the bug.
After loading a save of a ship in orbit, a kerbal from one of the random main menu events appeared. It was not a vessel I had created. Also, Bill Kerman's portrait in the top right was replaced with a strange red and yellow line.
Steps to Replicate
Load save file with ship in orbit. Not sure how the main menu guy showed up
Fixes / Workarounds
The main menu guy flies off into space on his own and goes away. Bill seems to return to normal when entering map view?
A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window.
Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..)
the man himself
the smoke effect he creates
map view, to show that he isnt something I launched
note that bill seems to have gone back to normal here