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kerbal abuse

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Everything posted by kerbal abuse

  1. I need to give you some background on why I want the ability to disable it. I had finished a new mod the day before. It was a mod that allowed you to put in a png and use it as one of the loading screen pictures. It was relatively simple, but since it was only a class assignment for class, I had just made a simple mod just to get it done quickly. The next day I was preparing to showcase to the entire class the functionality of the mod by putting in a png and loading up the game. Then the cats came. Everyone laughed at me. I tried to turn close the game, but that made everything worse. The game had frozen, and windows showed that it had stopped responding, as it usually does. But everyone in class had no experience with KSP, and they thought that the mod was stupidly unoptimized, even causing the windows to freeze. At that point I opened task manager and tried to close the game manually, and only then did it finally close. At this point, I had been too worn down by the mid-semester tests and the entirety of preparing the mod, and could do barely anything to try to save face. I was horribly embarrassed and angry. I knew for a fact module manager did this, I knew it would do this on 2/22, but not on April 1st too. This was a personal embarrassment for me that I do not want to happen again, even only for two days. I hope you understand why I want to feature to be added now.
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