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Posts posted by LunarMetis

  1. 28 minutes ago, Nerdy_Mike said:

    I wanted to hop in here to say that most of the stuff the players are asking for will be addressed soon. Now I know in the past soon has been treated as a "sure three months" but this time I am working as fast as I can with team to get the asks you all have addressed. 

    I know the speed is not what is being asked, but next week we will have some news to share with more to come in the following weeks. We don't want everyone to get tiny bits of information and we're working to deliver more as quick as possible.

    On that note I just ask to be patient just a little while longer. 

    Thanks for the heads up. I'm really really hoping to see new content soon, definitely need a new itch to play KSP2 again.

    And welcome back, Mike! Glad to see you back!

  2. 50 minutes ago, Pthigrivi said:

    But the conversation is generally millimeter shallow and never really approaches centimeter depth.

    I think it has to do with huge Discord servers in general not being a great environment to have nuanced conversations. It's not impossible to have them, but they're extremely fast-paced to the point where it's just a constant stream of people talking, and conversations can change directions at any whim. The forums can be like that too, but it's at least pretty organized streams for the most part, and there's much more room to have in-depth conversations.

  3. 14 minutes ago, cocoscacao said:

    Ain't this a little too much for a boat? We've traveled across the solar system, but not the ocean :D. I'm wondering if aquatic also means underwater...

    To me, it kinda makes sense why aquatic sciences would be high up in the tech tree. We know much more about the surface of Mars than the bottoms of Earth's oceans in real life. Maybe at some point in building their advanced interplanetary space program, the Kerbals just realized "hey, what the hell could be lying underneath Kerbin's oceans? Or Eve's? Or especially Laythe's?" and decided to start research on it fairly late.

  4. I forgot to write a post about this yesterday (lol), but I made a successful Duna landing. Safe to say, I ended up making the smoothest landing. It didn't topple over or anything, not a single part broken.




    I would've also posted a cute line-up of all the Kerbals I brought on this lander if I remembered to add a ladder, but c'est la vie.

  5. After looking at the Tracking Station info box for celestial bodies, I thought about how cool it would be to display something like relative units with respect to bodies like Kerbin, Jool, and Kerbol. I think it's especially fitting considering exoplanets will be added to KSP2, and their physical parameters in the real universe are often represented in units like Earth masses or Jupiter masses. They obviously shouldn't replace the values expressed in metric units, so I'd love them as a secondary value underneath in the CB info.

    Here are some possible secondary units to display underneath the main values:

    • Kerbin mass (Mki): 5.2913E+22 kg 
    • Kerbin radius (Rki): 600,000 m
    • Jool mass (Mj): 4.2331E+24 kg (80 Mki)
    • Jool radius (Rj): 6,000,000 m (10 Rki)
    • Kerbol mass (Mko): 1.7565E+28 kg (~332,000 Mki; ~4,000 Mj)
    • Kerbol radius (Rko): 261,600,000 m (436 Rki, 43.6 Rj)
    • Kerbal Astronomical Unit (KAU): 13,599,840,256 m

    I don't know if they'll be useful in a practical sense, but it at least makes for some great flavor text and it keep things feeling Kerbal. It might also be nice to have them to be able to compare other celestial bodies more easily.

  6. 10 hours ago, Book said:

    If I recall correctly, there's no resources shortage on Kerbin, you have everything you need to build rockets from the get go, which is intended to help the early game be easier at the start. Resources kick in when you want to build stuff off planet, where you obviously don't have access to Kerbin's resources and manufacturing.  

    I do not know how it will all fit together though, will you be able to use Kerbin as a stash of infinite resources that you just need to transport around, or if there will be more constraints making you have to have space mines to build your Deadaluses engines and other orbital constructions?
    My guess from the dev team philosophy is try to aim for something balanced where both options are on the table and players can adapt to their play style with interesting problems. (at least that's the goal)

    Right, that's what I'm wondering, because if Kerbin is going to be this infinite sink of resources that the player will pull from, it'll remove constraint from rocket-building because since you'll have infinite resources anyway, you can build a mega-rocket right from the get-go and not worry about a single thing. It would completely ruin any sense of progression. That's why I think funds should probably stay in the game as a primary early-game constraint, along with unlocked tech from science points.

    Again, nothing is known about how exactly this is gonna play out. Maybe the devs will come up with a better solution to tackle this problem. 

    5 hours ago, RocketRockington said:

    to force you to explore other planets not because of reasonable, scientific inquiry or whatever, but because you need tiberium to build the SuperSwerv Mk5 so you can find the alien ruins and the precursor home planet or w/e.

    I hope that's not the direction they'll take. I think scouting for resources should be one reason to explore other worlds, but I'd rather not do it as part of an active effort to follow a storyline.

  7. I think a resource system would be a great addition to KSP2, since I'd feel like it would make planetary exploration more interesting, and gives the player something more to look for. I don't think the game should explicitly say exactly which celestial bodies are rich in what resource, but if the game is like "Hey, if you want to build this really advanced tech, try getting ahold of this resource, and go figure out where it is," that would make it a fun mid-/end-game mechanic in my opinion.

    However, I'm not too sure how it would work for early-game, since you won't have any colonies or production facilities established yet on any celestial body. I'm not sure how I'd feel about having production plants in the KSC, and if resources would even need to be sought out on Kerbin. If there ought to be some balanced gameplay with a resource system, then keeping funds as the constraint for rocket-building for early game would be fine. At a certain point where you have unlocked the technology to get to most places in the Kerbolar System, funds should then swap over to resources as the primary constraint on rocket-building, and then colony-building / deep-space exploration becomes necessary to unlock more advanced technology after that point. I don't think funds should be gone entirely, but reworked to accommodate the resource system.

    As is tradition with IG, most details on how the resource system will work / how it would be balanced are fuzzy at best. Hopefully they might do something like this by the time resource management is added into the game, but I think most things revolving around development should be taken by licking a giant salt lamp or something. I'm also spit-balling ideas here, so let me know what you think.

  8. Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: Windows 11 Home 64-bit | CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700F @ 2.50 GHz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 | RAM16 GB


    In the Physical/Orbital Characteristics section of the Tracking Station, there are a couple of units and values that seem to be bugged:

    • Eccentricity has a degree unit, even though it is a unitless value.
    • For values that end with the unit "km", it is erroneously represented as "k/m."
    • Gravity seems to have the incorrect unit, and should either be changed to "g" or multiplied by 9.81 to be correctly represented in this unit.
    • Sidereal period is incorrectly measured as a unit of speed/velocity, not as a unit of time.
    • Every CB has an impossibly large circumference (i.e. Kerbin in the provided screenshot having a circumference of 7.56 astronomical units), presumably from some error in calculating the circumference of each CB.
    • Atmosphere seems to be given as atmospheric density instead of atmospheric pressure, so should either be represented as "kg/m^3" or defined as 1.00 in Kerbin's case.

    This issue has been present since launch day, and I am hoping that this will be addressed in a future hotfix/update.


    Included Attachments:


  9. 2 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    I could not possibly disagree with you more.  Three fundamental, core mechanics from KSP1 that have been reported as broken since day 1 are still not fixed:

    • Orbital Decay
    • SOI Trajectory
    • Decoupled Probes/Loss of Control

    Don't forget to add missing thermodynamics / aerodynamic heating to that list. Not a broken feature, but it's just something that we should've gotten much earlier in the EA process.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Nate Simpson said:

    When is the Science update? - The first of the headline Roadmap updates - which will add Science, Missions, and an R+D Center, is still several months away.

    What? Seriously?

    12 minutes ago, Nate Simpson said:

    If the fix proves stable and low risk, we will consider releasing a hot fix in a few days.

    Please do this, at least give us weekly hotfixes.

  11. I just did a quick Mun mission stress test for the new patch, and wow. The performance is so much better now. I was genuinely impressed to see a consistent 60 FPS throughout the whole mission (occasionally down to 40 while launching). Then again, I have a pretty powerful rig with an RTX 3070, but now the game is much less of a drag to play! Great job on this one!

  12. Can you give us any details on what kinds of celestial bodies we'll expect to see in the other star systems that haven't been revealed yet? Like, for example, any hot Jupiter-type planets (maybe "Hot Jools?"), ice giants, or some very exotic-looking planets that could possibly exist somewhere out there (i.e. diamond planets)?

  13. 6 minutes ago, Spicat said:

    We learn informations on how far they are at fixing some bugs and thus when we can expect them to be fixed. Also what solution they use, I find it interesting (and we can question their solution like the first answer from Nate).

    We have one more dev update before, so they'll probably give us a definitive breakdown of exactly what's to come in this patch. Hopefully an update on thermodynamics and Science/other roadmap milestones too, but I'm expecting way too much there. I'll be very surprised if we do get it.

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