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  1. UPDATE! I finally reached kerbin in less than 2 years, took me some tries (the delta v was not enought to slow down and get and orbit around kerbin, so i archived a reentry orbit at 4000mps). (The brave kerbals ready to touch Kerbal land water again). The reentry was hard and the shuttle was near to flip and get destroyed, but luckily it reached surface at the first try. I learned a lot about ksp just in this trip, thank you all, especially king of nowhere, the tips were very helpfully.
  2. You're trully a hero, thank you, i will try to reach kerbin safelly using your tips :>
  3. Im new on the game and this was my first interplanetary mission, go around eve and come back home. i reached low orbit on eve and wanted to go back, but im not able to trace an orbit to reach kerbin, my buget its 3000 ms and i would like to come back before all my missions are expired (3-4 years aprox) Could someone help me or provide some guide to this kind of travels?
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