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Posts posted by GlitchyTypo

  1. On 12/16/2023 at 5:51 PM, king of nowhere said:

    there is no orange, only yellow and red.

    wait, i did not upgrade the latest kerbalism versions, maybe they changed it?

    I think theres a diconnect here. When I say orange, I mean the text that says "needs repair" not the highlight color of the part

  2. 12 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    again, for the sake of clarity: what do you mean by "damaged" and "busted"? because i thought by "damaged" you meant "yellow", but if you instead mean "needs maintenance", then it will break.


    this engine is red, it is broken, it does not function, it cannot be fixed by an engineer. hence I am decoupling it and will place a new one on the docking port, i prepared those engines to be interchangeable. the drill on the left is equally broken.


    the convert-o-tron is yellow, also the engine on the lower right. they are broken, they do not function, but they can be fixed by an engineer.

    now, if you have a yellow part, it will stay yellow. it will not become red.

    but you talk like you do not mean yellow and red, you talk like you mean a part without color, i.e. a part that is not broken and that functions. and in that case, those parts will eventually become yellow or red.

    Hoping that yellow would degrade to orange would degrade to red, although it would still have the chance to go straight to a higher damage state (y,o,r)

  3. On 12/14/2023 at 5:55 AM, Aelfhe1m said:

    Add a ModuleManager patch file (create a new text file, copy in the below text and save it with the filename of your choice and a .cfg extension anywhere in your KSP GameData folder) :

    !EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION:HAS[#id[TargetScanning]] {}
    	!MODULE[ModuleSpyExperiment] {}

    DISCLAIMER: Untested but it's a very simple patch, so I can't see any reason it won't work.

    This worked like a charm! thanks! 
    Could you give me a quick rundown on where the "moduleSpyExperiment" came from though? im looking through the files and trying to understand how to write my own patches eventually

  4. 34 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    what's annoying about it? your comms satellites are still getting malfunctions. being unmanned, they can't be fixed when they malfunction. even if they could, some malfunctions are critical and can't be fixed anyway. your deorbiter can still make itself useful.

    wait, are we talking about the same thing or there was a misunderstanding? I understood you asking if a part with the reversible malfunction - yellow - can become red, and no, it cannot. maybe you mean you sent a kerbal in inspection on a functioning part and got told that a part needs maintenance, in that case yes, it will eventually break and get yellow or red. likelyhood and timing of either scenario depends on settings and difficulty level

    in any case, if you let yourself get stopped by game mechanics, you wouldn't make a deorbiter because you can always delete debris from the tracking station anyway.

    I think it would be more interesting to where if you left a module/part alone in a damaged state for long enough, it would degrade again to the point where it reaches the "busted" state. I'm trying a "semi"realistic run right now and enjoy sqeezing the use out of a limited functionality satellite when on a tight budget. The deorbiter is part of that, trying to not use the debris delete option.

  5. On 12/14/2023 at 5:30 AM, king of nowhere said:


    My longest mission lasted 1000 kerbal years. I kept some "needs repair" components that way as a backup, because they could not break further and i could reactivate them as needed. Never had any further issue

    Kind of annoying cause I had this whole system in place ready to de-orbit my comms satellites as they failed.

  6. On 12/13/2022 at 7:33 AM, Lan_Morehell said:

    Good evening!


    Having the same issue with "quick aply" on latest version. Its quite challenging to apply manually a whole lot of parts :)


    Also a small suggestion to mod - to be able to discard automatically all parts with certain use count or safety rating....



    I second both the error and the suggestion.

    I do have a few (60) mods installed in parallel, but even after a fresh install with only deps for mods, the issue persists.

    Thanks for the mod

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