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Everything posted by gaz123

  1. Ok, I think I've found the problem - I was missing a docking port. I had assumed the cupola included a docking port but it does not. Now when on the launch pad I can see that all the build requirements are met. Thanks for all the help!
  2. Duh! How did I miss that! Strange thing is though I have antenna and solar panels and it was built after excepting the contract. I will try to post a better screenshot
  3. Doesn't seem to matter. Still don't get the message that I have not completed the contract. Here's a screenshot of what I get in flight: screenshot
  4. I entered into the above contract, and launched my new space station successfully, but I can't seem to complete the contract! I built the space station in the VAB and did not assemble it in orbit. In the 'Fly' screen I can see that I have fulfilled all the options but when I go back to Mission Control all of the requirements are showing incomplete. Any ideas?? Thanks! Gary
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