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Everything posted by Bake

  1. I didn't buy the game on release because I heard career mode wasnt in yet. I saw it on steam yesterday and decided to buy. I assumed career mode had been added or was close to being added. Came here today and found out no career mode planned. I have 390.9 hours in the original KSP. 390.85 are in career mode. I loaded up science mode once long enough to figure out I wasn't interested in it. I don't think I'm interested in a KSP without money. And as for contracts, I love them. The money aspect and contracts are the whole reason I tried to build as small and cheap as possible to complete the current objective. Otherwise, I would have just built with my most advanced/largest equipment every mission. I also enjoyed the early game crunch of trying to upgrade my base to max. I usually got bored with the game after I had everything at max and plenty of money. I'm on the fence about returning KSP2. The goodwill alone from the original KSP means I should buy it even if I don't intend to play it. However, I want to vote with my wallet. No career mode will at least mean no extra money on future expansion from me.
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