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Everything posted by noonone

  1. specs: 32gb ram 3080 12700kf game version: latest Hello, i had problem with ksp that it wont launch because it was running out of ram. Today i deleted all mods, reinstalled game and installed mods by CKAN. When i launched game few hours before it was only using 10-12 gbs of ram and over half of my ram was free. Now i cannot launch game because it uses all my 32gbs and freezes on launch. (freeze after loading all mods, black screen, planets in corner dont move). I dont understand how is that possible, especially that i was running more mods with only 16 gbs of ram in the past. here is my modlist: https://imgur.com/a/BCeR9XA . also forgot to add that my game crashed few hours before stopped working: here is error file: https://system.tips/text/view?q=rytpymlf
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