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  1. I found a way. If anyone has the same problem you can use: String text = "r " + String(roll) + " y " + String(yaw) + " p " + String(pitch) + " x " + String(reading_x) + " y " + String(reading_y); mySimpit.printToKSP(text, NO_HEADER); This will print to the KSP console (Alt+F12)
  2. I wanted to ask if there is a simple way of displaying numbers and text in a console of sorts for debugging. I'm testing my joystick and I need a way to see the values that I get from the joystick live i.e. while I'm moving it. I can't use the serial monitor while the program is running. I also read here: https://bitbucket.org/pjhardy/kerbalsimpit/wiki/PluginConfiguration.md that when I set the Verbose to True, it would log in so way. But how?
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