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  1. Ah alright. I didn't knew what "Geçersiz adrese erişim isteği" meant. I will get rid of some mods and create a larger drive swap file. Thanks!
  2. Hello, Kerbal space program crashes randomly (for example reverting a flight, entering vab etc). Kerbal Space Program version: 1.12.5 Windows 10 64x How to reproduce: the crash can randomly happen, theres not just one way to counter crash. Mods installed: 000_ClickThroughBlocker 000_Harmony 000_TexturesUnlimited 001_ToolbarControl 999_KSP-Recall AstraLaunchEssentials AtmosphericBeats AuroraSpaceCenter B9PartSwitch BahaSP Benjee10_sharedAssets Benjee10_shuttleOrbiter Benjee10_X-37B Better TimeWarp Bluedog_DB BlueSteel BoosterGuidance BoringCrewServices Bumblebee BuranOrbiter Chatterer Chrayol_Design_Org CNAR CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack Community Tech Tree ConformalDecals Cormorant Aeronology CraftManager CRE CustomPreLaunchChecks Delivery DeployableEngines DepthMask DistantObject DMagicScienceAnimate DodoLabs EDBMods Eisenhower-Astronautics EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements EStreet_Rocket3x ExceptionDetectorUpdated Firespitter FlagPack Freelva Fuji GemstoneLV GPWS Hab Tech2 HabTechProps HideEmpty Tech TreeNodes HL20 HLS_project htRobotics HullCameraVDS JamesWebb JanitorsCloset KatnisssBaikonur Cosmodrome KatnisssCapeCanaveral KerbalEngineer KerbalJointReinforcement KerbalKonstructs KerbalLaunchFailure KerbalReusabilityExpansion KerbalX Knes Kopernicus Kronometer KSP Flag Fonts KSPCommunityFixes KSRSS Kunedo KXAPI Lionhead_Aerospace_Inc LoadingScreenManager LoadingVSyncDisabler ManeuverNodeEvolved ManeuverQueue MechJeb2 ModularFlightIntegrator ModularLaunchPads NeptuneCamera NightShift OSSNTR Parallax Parallax_StockTextures PlanetShine PlumeParty RecoveryController reDIRECT ReentryParticleEffectRenewed RetractableLiftingSurface RFA RN_Soviet_Probes RN_US_Probes RSMP Scatterer ScattererAtmosphereCache Shabby Shaddy ShowFPS shuttle_OV200 ShuttlePayloadDeliverySystems ShuttleStuff_SharedAssets SimpleAdjustableFairings SmokeScreen SOCKWaterfall SpaceTuxLibrary SpeedUnitChanger Squad SquadExpansion StagedAnimation StarLinkSatellitePack StarshipExpansionProject StarshipLaunchExpansion StarshipLegs StarstroSpaceSystems StateFunding StockScattererConfigs StockVolumetricClouds StockWaterfallEffects SystemHeat Tantares TantaresLV TantaresSAF TantaresSP TextureReplacer Through TheEyes TrackingStationEvolved Trajectories TUFX TundraExploration TundraSpaceCenter TundraTechnologies TweakScale TweakScaleCompanion VaporVent VesselMover Waterfall WildBluelndustries X-20-Moroz Player.log file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4hhrb2ciij6c3qjahax1z/Player.log?rlkey=gf27sjy4cezweif86t2w7kv1n&dl=0 Any help is appreciated
  3. Hello guys! I'm continuing this kinda-project thingy and i've finished making 3 more characters: Bobak Kerman: https://imgur.com/W2hXLe2 Gus Kerman: https://imgur.com/VyuXRkt Jebediah Kerman: https://imgur.com/9VEiZLL I'm going definitely finish the remainings (Walt, Val, Bob, Bill) then i'm going to give a break for a month.
  4. I Finished making another 2 characters: Linus Kerman: https://imgur.com/BSfCstf Wernher Won Kerman: https://imgur.com/9PJSY8D Wernher Won Kerman looked a bit ugly in my opinion because of the glasses being too big but it was worth it I'll probably draw the remainings (Gus, Walt, Bobak (appeard in only in promo videos), Jeb and Val) i'm not going to draw Bob andBill beacuse they are literally the same as Jeb but. if you guys want i'll add some small details to Bob and Bill like giving a wrench to Bill or giving a Test tube to Bob. Anyways,I Hope you guys like it!
  5. https://imgur.com/qOT0O4B Sorry in case the first link wouldn't show up the pixel mortimer Kerman. Most of my time i'm busy so i couldn't see the message in time.
  6. I Decided to make another pixel art character and i decided to drew Mortimer Kerman. And i done it!
  7. Oh, Thanks for explaining and liking.
  8. thanks (if you meant this in a good way because i couldn't decide if its was in a good way or a bad way) and i decided to change the link because it made a little bit unhappy that it got a bad reputation (-7 points) so i made it Private
  9. Hello there! As a new person in the Kerbal Space Program forum's i wanted show my pixel art Gene Kerman. It didn't really took too much to make. Only trying to get the right colors made it took 30 minutes. I hope you guys like it. https://imgur.com/a/aKogi2o
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