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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hey everyone, quick question, My KSP game settings reset after every launch is there a reason for this? I would have to go everytime and reset the screen resolution, sound, and graphics.... This is my system : Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 Processor: Intel® Core i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.1GHz Memory: 12288MB RAM Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Display Memory: 4095 MB My KSP MODS are: [X] Science AsteroidsDAY AviationLights BAHASP CHOPSHOP DIAZO EditorExt FireSpitter - plugin JSI KerbEng KerJointReinfo Kerbaltek KerboKatz LLL- LLL- extra OpenTree ProcedFairing QuickScroll/Search RemoteTech RSCapsule SotckClamshellFairings StockFairingTweaker StockRT SXT ThrottleControlledAvionics ToadicusTools TriggerTEch TweakableEverything TweakScale EVAmanager Module Manager -------------------------------- HyperEdit is my only thing not "uptodate" but this problem persisted before this mod.
  2. HEY EVERYONE, Is there information on why KSP subreddit went private?
  3. yay!!! Thank you! It's good to see some old Mods come back to life! GJ Raptor!
  4. Welcome back!! Yay!!! Cant wait for them! - - - Updated - - - Welcome back!! Yay!!! Cant wait for them!
  5. OOOOOOO MUH GOD!!!!!!!!!!! http://imgur.com/gallery/XDloU
  6. ////////// Impulse /////////////// MODULE { name = LCARS_ImpulseDrive RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.1 } } ////////// Impulse /////////////// in the Readme I add this to ex into MechJEb so it can use the impulse drive or any other random part and the game does not go past the loading screen any suggestions?
  7. ok cool, thanks mate!!! I will continue to explore these CFG. features
  8. OK im going to give it a try now..... But as far as I have tried.... I just created a resource folder and created a new resource... which does not "exist" so the RCS uses that resource and is infinite.
  9. What I am trying to do is sort of cheating, but its a way for me to learn to manipulate Cfg. files. I am using the Linear RCS in the game and have tried to change the resources on it to consume electricity, the issue I keep having is, I dont know what the AtmosphereCurve is in the Cfg. file and how to reduce the consumption of Electric Charge in the game. Can anyone shed light on this for me and thank you!
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