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Everything posted by jimmy_space

  1. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750 CPU @ 2.60GHZ | GPU: Intel(R) UHD Graphics | RAM: 16 GB Severity: Low - Just some wrong numbers/values. Frequency: High - It seems to be permanent. While playing on the branch of KSP, I noticed some things that didn't quite add up properly. I noticed that things such as gravity, atmosphere, and circumference didn't quite make sense across the Kerbolar system in the Tracking Station. There doesn't seem to be any steps to replicate, just that the game either started that way (I don't remember if it did, sorry!), or it just happened. I think it's more likely the former. My expectations, and what actually happened, are listed below. Here's some examples: Kerbin's values seem to be off - I don't think Kerbin's gravity is 1.00 m/s^2, nor is its atmosphere 1.22 atm. I also doubt Kerbin's circumference is 7.56 AU. I think the values for the gravity, and atmosphere may just have the wrong measurements. I think the proper measurement for the gravity would be in Gee's, (1.00 G), and the proper atmosphere measurement would be in kg/m^3 (1.22 kg/m^2). I don't know what Kerbin's circumference would be, but I think it would be less than 7.56 AU. A lot less! Here's some more examples! The Mun: I think the gravity is closer to 0.17 Gees, not m/s^2. I also still don't think the circumference is right. Minmus: I think the gravity's closer to 0.05 Gees, and the circumference is lower Eve: I know for a fact Eve's gravity is 1.7 Gees, not 1.7 m/s^2! The atmosphere reading seems somewhat right, but I think it's supposed to be ~5 atm, which is pretty close to the displayed value, in kg/m^3. Also, there is no way that Eve's 10.29 AU in circumference! From here on out, I'll just show some more examples, you decide if the displayed values/measurements are right or not. Gilly: Moho: Kerbol: (Just for how crazy the circumference is, 22.72 Ly? Really?) Duna: Ike: (Don't know why I left the orbital characteristics open for so long, my bad!) Dres: Jool: Laythe: Vall: Tylo: Bop: Pol: And finally, Eeloo: That's pretty much all there is for this bug, a relatively simple, and probably low-priority one. I hope this does get resolved eventually, though! Keep up the good work, team!
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