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Everything posted by janellie82

  1. New release: 1.2.0 - Added localization support and a Russian translation. The mod only has 4 lines and less than 10 words, so if you wish to add your translation, contact me.
  2. This exact scenario is why I created the mod linked above. With it, you can set the angle of an engine gimbal like this: engine:GetModule("ModuleGimbalTrim"):SetField("Gimbal X", angleX). engine:GetModule("ModuleGimbalTrim"):SetField("Gimbal Y", angleY). Note that the mod's X and Y fields do not necessarily correspond with the X and Y axes of engine:facing. You can figure out which way the gimbal rotates (this varies depending on the engine) and then just rotate the engine accordingly in the VAB.
  3. New release: 1.1.0 - Gimbal X and Gimbal Y now respond correctly to action group axes and KAL controllers With the latest patch, yes.
  4. janellie's GimbalTrim A small KSP mod that allows the player to manually adjust an engine's gimbal. Requires ModuleManager Some notes: Pilot input and SAS can't control the engine's gimbal while trim is active. Gimbal trim is limited by the engine's gimbal range as given in the engine's config file, but limiting the vectoring range in-game doesn't affect trim, only SAS/pilot input. Trim can only be used if the vessel is under full control (i.e. has a pilot onboard or has a connection to KSC). Unlike all the other stock+DLC engines, the Bobcat from Making History has two gimbal modules; this mod can only control the left one. Download from Spacedock Source on GitHub Distributed under the CC-BY-4.0 license.
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