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joshua productions yt

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  1. Great to see another lunix user I know this has nothing to do with your post but how do you run KSP 2 on Ubuntu, and I have been having this issue on windows KSP 2 to.
  2. Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: windows 11 64 bit | CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11300H @ 3.10GHz 3.11 GHz | GPU: nividia geforce GTX 1650 | RAM: 32 gb I had just finished updating KSP 2 and a had made a basic SSTO and had been fiddling with the settings to get a good frame rate I had reverted to launch about 3 times no issues and then I set cloud quality to medium I reverted to launch and then my game looked broken but its not just the visuals the UI had messed up so I think it wasnt just the visuals then I went back to the VAB and I couldnt move the camera around so I loaded the medium command pod witch loaded no problems so I tried putting a fuel tank or any of the other parts and it just appeared as a pink cylinder like the game didnt know where to find the part model and texture any way I restarted the game witch stopped the problem. also I dont believe that I was paused when I reverted. My setting at the time of the game breaking was everything on high except texture quality it was at low. Included Attachments: KerbalSpaceProgram22023_08.31-07_46_15_01.mp4
  3. linux gamer i dont know how to do the log file and yes the frame rate is bad no matter where i look
  4. Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: windows 11 | CPU: 12 gen intel core i7 processor | GPU: nvidia gefofce gtx 1650 | RAM: 8 gb when launching after getting past the clouds the frame rate drops from 15 fps to around 2 fps and when i get up to space the frame rate goes back to normal also i dont have any problems on the map screen and changing the graphic settings doesn't change the fps and when i go behind kerban the fps drops again and doesn't come back until i go into high kerban orbit no problems with the mun also not sure about other planets. any info i have missed to do with my laptop that runs it, acer nitro 5 GTX.
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