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  1. Thanks, that's got it! I was changing the height and width inside of Patch.cfg instead.
  2. How can I make my terminal look like the following images from this thread? I think I need the Patch.cfg, template file, and any option about the terminal size in kOS. I've been reading through this thread and trying myself but continue to get the higher resolution default screen with a font that is too small. I would just like it to match the font size around other displays in the cockpit. I have tried to swap out with the OriginalTerminal template and set in Patch.cfg, but the resolution in IVA does not seem to update. Any suggestions? BTW: This mod is pretty great and just gives an infinite number of possibilities for using kOS. So thanks for the work on this.
  3. I found your post after looking to solve my issue where my satellite would explode after changing vessels. It happened to be right after installing this tracking center mod. It seemed to be happening after renaming vessels. But it was only happening sometimes. It then occurred to me that I pressed the Home key when renaming the vessel. The Home key also enables Camera Tools (which was on static cam), so the ship would get outside of render distance quickly and then stay on when switching to the next. The next vessel gets out of range before everything is done loading and boom G-Force to infinity and NullReferences! I don't know if your issue could be all at related but at least in my case I found that it wasn't actually this mod causing the issue.
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