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  1. Hey all, I'm using a modded ksp install and I run into this bug in both SPH and VAB when trying to start a new craft or edit an existing one. After picking the main part, some parts are still unavailable to select, and when attached to the existing node on the craft, they don't stay and cause the node to disappear. This makes building anything impossible in the game. KSP 1.12.5, Breaking Ground, Making Science. Video, KSP Log, and mod list are on drive: https://mega.nz/folder/EqAS1DRL#Q8kIyzpkUsYpZcguLJ0hNw Please help me sort this out; I can't seem to narrow it down to anything, and it works very intermittently. Everything works well without mods. Thanks!
  2. Hey all! Seems like I'm having issues with my reflections. The parts do become reflective, but its almost as if the reflections are reversed. When I have my ship in orbit with the module being painted shiny, looking at Kerbin, the entire module turns blue, while being black when looking from the opposite side. I do have planet shine, along with many other graphics mods installed, what could be causing this issue and is there a good solution?
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