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  1. I did not realize how difficult it was going to be to get a lot of things working in ksp2 in terms of mods that would enable machinima content creation. For the machinimas I make I don't need very many tools at all theoretically. But it seems almost all of them are unavailable in ksp 2 without a very large degree in programming. I just need the following : custom flags for green screens : a very basic cheat menu to disable gravity and set basic position : a camera mod would be nice so the the camera could have the ability to be moved I discovered however that just getting a basic cheat menu requires 3 other mods none of which have any instructions for how to install or use , and some of which are no longer compatible with ksp2. I'm interested in making ksp2 machinimas , it's just seems it's incredibly difficult to do so.
  2. Hello , i'm new to the forum but not new to the KSP community. I make Machinimas/memes/weird vehicles in KSP1. Up until this point I only ever uploaded them on reddit. But I decided it would be a good idea to make them slightly more permanent on other platforms and broaden the places available to watch/comment i imagine it will take quite a while before i'm allowed to post any links or images so just hi for now
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