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Everything posted by DuckTapeAerospace

  1. ok, great thanks for the advice this is my 5th message so I can finally change my profile picture. Woooo
  2. Just to ask is it possible to post screenshots in this mode that I am in curently?
  3. I use BDA+ and procedural wings by the way
  4. Oh wow 30 days?? that's something else! I am not really used to this stuff. I just used discord whenever I needed help until now.. I need something from a certain RAKETE and this is the only way to contact him. So here I am
  5. I recently got into the stealth game and one of the first things I wanted to build is a stealth flying wing. It seem to work at first but then I made the grave mistake of trying to land the thing... I lost control and splatted into a million pieces. I think the problem is the yaw axis controls I used some airbrakes on both wings but it doesn't seem to be enough at low speeds. Do you have any recommendations ?
  6. And another thing this isn't the lounge right ?
  7. Makes sense James Kerman but it's pretty lengthy
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