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Everything posted by rattata21216

  1. Thank you for the reply! Unfortunately it would appear that this is likely a bug with Principia and not from the config file, as I've added a % in front of each line (as well as made it load before Principia) and it is still happening. This is the most recent config file for Gilly: @Kopernicus:FOR[RealisticStockSystem]:BEFORE[Principia] { %Body[Gilly] { %Orbit { %referenceBody = Duna %semiMajorAxis = 885000 %eccentricity = 0.05 %inclination = 0.8 } } } I think the bug is related to Gilly somehow being too close to Duna, as I have Hale (from the Outer Planets Mod) orbiting farther away as Deimos and I have never experienced the same issue with that (or any other moon). For now I think I'll just try moving it to a farther orbit
  2. I'm trying to create some Kopernicus and Principia configs to make the stock system match the real solar system. I have been mostly successful outside of Gilly. I moved it into a low orbit around Duna to represent Phobos. But for some reason, every time I open a save, it immediately starts slowing down and enters this orbit that makes it repeatedly fall under the surface. The only large body nearby is Duna. This is the Kopernicus config for Gilly: @Kopernicus:FOR[RealisticStockSystem] { %Body[Gilly] { %Orbit { %referenceBody = Duna semiMajorAxis = 885000 eccentricity = 0.05 inclination = 0.8 } } } Does anyone know what causes this and/or how to fix it?
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