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  1. So no, many of them are large many part, craft saves, and also I think a few planetary systems, I also have a lot of graphical improvement mods, like Parallax 2.0 on ultra settings with collision. I know for a fact that I have Kcalbelloh (sorry don’t know how to spell it) system, which adds a lot of stuff, plus I have packs like the starship expanded pack, Spacex launch vehicles pack, SSTO project, reDIRECT, and the Artemis Construction Kit.
  2. Huh. Never knew that. I do remember seeing a old computer when I visited the Kennedy space center though
  3. SO, I just learned today I have almost 200 MODS installed in ksp1. They only time it ever lags, is when I have a high part count on the launch pad, and when I go to search for a part, it lags because of the sheer amount of parts it needs to load for the search. Does this mean my pc is qualified as a NASA pc?
  4. Ok i need help, it is not loading for me Basically for some reason, the KSC extended is not loading, like, it is just the normal KSC. There are no other bases, just the normal KSC. This happened after I installed some mods, but idk which. Can you help me or offer a quick way to find what mod is causing the problem?
  5. So I am trying to recreate SpaceX stuff. My main problem I keep encountering is with the landing system. If i use the starship expanded mod, when i try to land the super heavy, it lands, but it lands like almost a kilometer off target. When i use anything from the SpaceX pack like the falcon 9, it just doesn't even use the engines until like 3 three seconds before touchdown. Is Mechjeb having a problem, am I being stupid, or is it something else. and just to try and help, i land by selecting a launch pad or drone ship with the select target on map option, and deactivate everything except for the auto warp. I do have ample power but i do not know. Am I missing something?
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