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Everything posted by Bobnine

  1. Looking at the collected data, Its only samples down to one hundredth of a degree. While that may give some error in a matter of a few feet on the surface of the mun, the mapper can not assume any data location beyond the hundredth place, and so may overwrite a pixel with a very slightly different elevation. If you have an extremely large data file, and know you have doubled back on a few places, then it could save you a couple megabytes.
  2. A great plugin, I\'ve had much fun collecting inordinate amounts of data. Unfortunately, the mapper has started crashing, giving the stack: Unhandled Exception: system.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at System.Number.StringToNumber(string str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseDouble(string value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt) at System.Double.Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) at system.Double.Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider) at isa_RAM_MapGen.MainClass.Main(string[] args) This made me think that some formatting error had occurred due to a system or app crash, even though the table had survived previous crashes. I opened the table up in my favorite spreadsheet program, and got the following warning: 'The Maximum number of rows has been exceeded. Excess rows were not imported!' My question is this: Is there a maximum limit to how much data i can collect? Said spreadsheet has 1,048,576 rows in it, apparently the maximum, and my Data.csv is currently 33,673 KB large. (mid post edit): Notepad does not have the row limitation, I\'m going to search for a formatting error in there until i get a reply or find the formatting error ??? Edit: ONE line had entirely too many spaces before the actual data, enough to artificially add 1KB to the file size. Guess now is a good a time as any to post some results.
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