Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes
OS: Windows | CPU: Intel i5-10300H | GPU: Gtx 1650 Ti | RAM: 16gb
After I reloaded a previous save I loaded earlier in 0.1.4, the craft I was flying now has 0 velocity, is not affected by gravity and is either gone or invisible while in the regular viewing mode. The icon and the last known altitude are saved but nothing changes either value. After pausing the game, then increasing time warp, the craft reappeared, increased velocity and began to fall, but was in pieces. After relogging again, the craft just completely disappeared and multiple bugs appear to be present. The time warp is locked on 4x, despite being set to 100,000x, still no velocity and the altitude remains the same, and the left side fuel manager says I have no Delta_V despite a half full tank. There is also a visual bug (or device bug as my computer is definitely below min specs) that covers the entire screen. All other features like turning on or off lights, changing throttle % (the throttle locked pop up happens as its stuck on 4x), and SAS are functional.
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