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  1. Currently my least favorite part of KSP 2 and the thing that keeps me from playing it is the tedium of interplanetary transfers. It’s always incredibly frustrating to plan out your transfers and they don’t work because of how incredibly tedious maneuver nodes are. There are a few things that need fixing and I have some new ideas. 1. Mouse Sensitivity When I’m zoomed out in the map mode, I can never get the camera orientation I want because insane sensitivity. Please fix that. 2. Time Warp Burning I don’t know if this is a bug but my craft never follows the maneuver whole time warp burning. This is terrible. Please fix this. Here are some suggestions for making planetary transfers much much much nicer. 1. Add a top down camera button Make a map mode where the camera is locked top down and the user can move the camera left and right but not change the orientation. Make it so we can select different planets/ planet systems. This would be like the camera angle blueprint things in the VAB. 2. Add a side view, similar to the top down view to see orbital inclination. Make it so we can see the whole solar system, planet systems and planets and so we can pan around the planets. Also similar to the blueprint idea in the VAB. 3. THIS IS THE BIG ONE. Add a good and reliable calculator that determines when to do interplanetary transfers. Like the one in ksp 1 but one that actually works. Again, planning maneuver nodes is incredibly tedious and unfun. If you really want us to keep manually planning maneuver nodes, then just warp us to the best time for interplanetary transfers. Again, transfers are tedious and because they’re so tedious are not fun at all to deal with. Focusing on quality of life should be paramount when creating such a complex and time consuming game such as this. Please take the time to consider this.
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