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  1. the line wasn't missing (it was but that's not the problem), the speed of the satellite get from normal orbit speed before saving to zero when loaded which meant that the craft was now falling towards kerbin in a landed state so the bug is much more complex than just missing an orbit line, but yeah, it was missing too.
  2. Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: windows 10 pro | CPU: Ryzen 5 5600g | GPU: amd RX 590 GME | RAM: 32 I made a simple SSTO whith an satelite above it and everything gone wrong, I think the hit box of one of the antenas was bugged and was stuck in my craft when I decoupled but I managed to take out in orbit. when i finished this mission I logged off and today I came back and the satelite is in a landed state in orbit, and when I control it, it's starts to fall twards kerbin. while I was trying to fix things I reloaded the game and everything dissapeared but managed to reopen the game and everything was "fine", here some images, a video, and the craft files. if it helps I can make a video later redoing the mission.(sorry for bad grammar I am not a native speaking of english) Included Attachments: 2023-09-0120-02-54.mp4
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