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  1. I just had this message pop up It was from unity analytics... It sounds like they want to collect information from me and if I don't give it to them I am somehow going to be limited while playing KSP which [Snip] me the hell off, I never had to agree to this in the beginning and now I am being told.... "You may choose to opt out of data collection. Please note that this will result in a non personalized game experience...." Unity provided the gaming engine to you guys to develop your game in, what I play on, when I play it, how I choose to play it, what I spend on it and what equipment I run of it are absolutely none of unities damned business and I object strongly to these draconian measures which seem to indicate that if I don't agree to data collection I will be missing out on something.. Unity has become to big for it's boots and they need to have their combined asses handed to them.... Not devs... I also read recently what they are talking about with regards to charging you for installs - and it SUCKS. I think Microsoft should start charging them for their ongoing use of C#
  2. In addition to my previous request for selecting which monitor to run the game on can we also have an option for to select between action group buttons being a single key to use a combination of two or more keys in a sequence so buy selecting it we can have. Custom Action 1 /A Custom Action 2 /B .... .... Custom Action 23 /W As I have a macro keypad with 24 keys which would be perfect for controlling things like gear lighting etc but it's feeling a bit limited, note I have set it up so that keys toggle a colour change so that when presses not only do the keys get sent as a toggle but the LED toggles between Green and Black ( black is not on ) /X resets all the keys to the default state of no lights on.
  3. Hello Devs, I run Multiple monitors ( four total ) : Two x Viewsonic XG2703GS Gsync 144 hz IPS for when I play games that have fixed assets that don't move a lot as they would be detrimental to my favorite monitor which is an Alienware AW3423DW Gsync 175hz QD OLED which I use for games where fixed assets on the display are few and far between and a bog standard 1920x1080 60 hz vsync for monitoring my systems. Now: I am finding it an absolute pain in the @ss that KSP does not let me select and remember the monitor that I want to run it on by default, which many other games do as every time I want to play KSP I have to: Right click on the Desktop, select the Alienware, set it as my default monitor, run the game and when I am done I have to remember to set the primary back to being one of my Viewsonics. Can you possibly fix this please. ALSO: OLEDs are gorgeous monitors but as I said you don't want to have anything in the way of fixed assets on them as they can suffer from ghosting, it would be good if KSP and KSP2 could avoid putting stuff on the screen that is fixed as much as possible - although I do know this is necessary and unavoidable some times, the other alternative would be enough in the ability of modding for users to place all the fixed control details, altimeter, throttle display etc etc on a separate screen. Is that doable?
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