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Everything posted by rino2727

  1. well its 2 and i just want to run at max efficiency but i think it might be docking ports or just some kind of bug cuz i can reset them and they seem to work fine, sometimes it does it sometimes it doesn't
  2. i have a mining rig complete with sufficient cooling for 4 big drills and 4 convert-o-tron 250s two are working just fine with all 4 temps optimal but the other 2 are saying 65% load with all tanks filled with 7200 ore total with mines still running. What does this mean, is it running at 65% capacity, if so, what is causing this. i have plenty of power, a lvl 2 engineer, plenty of cooling, could it be the docking port can only transfer so much fuel at once?
  3. i figure a way out i can bind toggle on both engines to 1 swapping which one is on...if anyones got any better ideas lmk
  4. so i want to add some thrusters on a rescue craft i built facing the other direction of main thrusters so i dont have to flip me vehicle on approach allowing me to approach quicker and easier. Anyone got any tips on that or if it can even me done?
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