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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I copied the model files from the Mark1Cockpit and it fixed this issue.
  2. Its funny. Sounds like your progression through the alpha stages of the game (I am a much newer here) matches what the campaign will one day be like.
  3. Perhaps it was an issue with the version of MechJeb? I don\'t know. I am not having that issue with this https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11315376/Trainer%201m.craft design. It is fairly hard to control but that only because I suck as making planes Just pop the cockpit off and roll it away. Then switch to the debris. It flys just as well as this (terrible) plane would with a cockpit and is landable. Maybe a better test would be doing this to a better plane though...
  4. I\'m sorry. I have watched all of the second season and most of his first season. I must have missed that episode. What is it missing that you would need to land a Grunt airplane? I was under the impression you couldn\'t use RCS but you don\'t need that to land a plane (well to land conventionally at least).
  5. Have you thought about using a mechjeb module on the grunt launch vehicle? This will allow you to control the vehicle with the mechjeb capsule after it has been jettisoned (like having two command capsules). In fact, you could take one of the cockpit parts and make it a mechjeb capsule. You dont have to use any of the other features mechjeb has (I know you don\'t want too). Keep up the great work! You are awesome.
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