"Re-entry heating and thermal systems are offline - you'll have a brief window here at the beginning of Early Access during which you can re-enter any atmosphere without a heat shield. We’re still buttoning down our heat transfer, ablation, and occlusion systems. Vapor cone visual effects are also still in-progress.."
I get what you're saying. Problems can be tricker than expected, things can take longer than planned, unforeseen complications, etc. If these situations are known to happen then maybe using language like "brief window" is misleading.
The hypthetical situation you describe doesn't also really work here. I mean, if halfway through development somebody spots a fundamental design flaw, they clearly didn't have solution in place that "almost worked." A fundamental design flaw suggests a conceptual problem from the get-go, not something that unexpectedly pops up when you're mostly finished and are "buttoning down" outstanding details.
Statements like the above might not be even be intentonally misleading, but the end result is still the same. People feel misled. A lot of good will and benefit-of-the-doubt has been squandered. I hope they things turn around.