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  1. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/8jSZR6HNJU I’ve made 2 successful stock variable sweep wing craft I made 2 functional Variable sweep wing jets I did this by first making my basic airframe (you can make yours however you want, I chose to make mine beefy). After I got the airframe to the way i wanted it, I put F-12 servos on the sides (note: you cannot mirror or used the radial 2 tool as it will be uneven). After, I attached my wings and put a KAL-1000 controller, I set my target angles to -30 for unswept and 28 for swept. After completing that, I made action groups for setting the direction and playing the set angles. I can make a simplified version or a video tutorial (This was all done on the Xbox 1 so no mods used dw). Hope this helps
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