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Everything posted by Kaisper

  1. Hello everyone, I just arrived and downloaded KSP1 essentially to use the KOS features. I installed the mod via CKAN (precisely all the files compatible with my version of the game that were offered to me and which started with KOS), however, when I write the program to run in the terminal, the following problem is shown and nothing happens: "The parser used by kos is complaining about a part of the script it can't understand. KOS uses a parser-generator tool known as TinyPG, and the text description you see from this error message comes mostly from TinyPG, not from KOS itself ." The code I'm trying to run is very simple: SET thrott TO 1. LOCK THROTTLE TO thrott. What can I do? Is there any permission I need to enable? Is the mod simply old? Thanks so much for your help and have a good day.
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