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  1. In this video at 0:27, after clicking the option to start a new campaign, I get stuck in the new campaign form. I wanted to go back to the main menu, go into settings, and turn off the framerate display, but I was unable to escape from the new campaign screen. I tried the ESC key, tried clicking out of it, etc. I eventually gave up and had to create a new campaign, only to delete it immediately and create another one after I changed my settings
  2. The new map view UI is so frustrating to me because it lacks some of the basic convenience from the first game. It seems like a really easy, fixable problem. At 17:50 in this video, when I see the ship's trajectory, I can't see the numbers next to the Apoapsis. That drives me absolutely crazy!! I have a matter of seconds to plot the maneuver and execute it to get the ship into orbit. I shouldn't be bothered to fiddle with the UI settings during that time, and I shouldn't have to do anything. It should "just work" and show the information that I need, so I can get to the proper orbital altitude without wasting a bunch of fuel. I *don't want* to mouse hover over the node to see the numbers. I *don't want* to click the little lock icon to make the numbers stay visible. That's fine for fuel tanks and battery status displays, but with this map view stuff the game should be smart enough to know the minimum information I need based on the context. I should rarely if ever have to fiddle with this UI to get the right information visible. I came up with the following simple rules: 1. Always show the numbers for the selected object's current Ap and Pe (except possibly when editing a maneuver node). 2. When editing a maneuver node, while I'm clicking and dragging to edit the maneuver, always show the Ap and Pe of the revised flight path. 3. While I'm editing a maneuver node based on a set target, always show what the shortest distance from the target will be on the current/next orbit. For these three scenarios I should never have to hover or click on anything to get this information. It really is that simple. Please make it so. Thank you!
  3. In the screenshot below, there is an icon on the surface of Kerbin, but I can't tell what it is because half of it is missing. It's hidden underneath the planet's terrain seemingly. https://steamcommunity.com/id/gorkwobbler/screenshot/2120691978805101806/
  4. With the single-kerbal command module, the module is so small that the kerbonaut's helmet actually sticks out of the top of the module. In the screenshot, the white arrow visible in the porthole is actually the top of the EVA helmet clipping through the skin of the vessel. https://steamcommunity.com/id/gorkwobbler/screenshot/2120691978805086714/
  5. In this video at 57:25, I decoupled my rocket, and discovered that the upper stage of the rocket had no fuel. It looks like maybe all the fuel was consumed by the lower stage before separation, even though nothing connects them except the decoupler. I didn't fiddle with the decoupler settings at all, so there's no way I could have enabled cross-feed (if that's even possible with decouplers).
  6. In this video starting at 21:37, I crashed into the surface of Kerbin's ocean at over 800 m/s. Somehow the craft did not explode. I am no physicist but this seems like a bug. (Note I will be posting this same video several times, referencing different points in the video for different bugs reported)
  7. My very simple, radially symmetric rocket design spins wildly out of control when I fire the second stage. It looks like the gimballing of the rocket motors is just plain wrong and it's causing the craft to oscillate wildly. Eventually it gets so bad that the entire ship flies apart in pieces. You can see this in the video starting at around 29:58
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