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Everything posted by Satacorp

  1. Underclocking my GPU? I'm sure there's some sound reasoning behind that, but that idea stings a bit considering I have a new RTX 4090 FE
  2. I uhhhh, I'm on win 11. I don't really know what to say haha, no idea why my logs would say I'm playing on windows 10 c:
  3. It seems to happen more or less after 40 minutes each time too, any ideas? I don't really know how to read the logs - I hope its not an issue with the new intel cpus, been having trouble with a lot of games because of it.
  4. Hey, my game occasionally crashes when loading into the VAB or when launching a new vessel, unsure why. Help would be much appreciated c: Here's my logs & installed mods: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4lgwlmtksbbcu0wzcwcf1/Screenshot-2024-05-24-094247.png?rlkey=35a7dkmaw7cuw28vm7jszhrhd&st=lgwepueo&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ev5h3pxxmvm6wurl6jj68/Player.log?rlkey=nix1hgf1mz995f7e05ix6m0ig&st=uycjdb6y&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c8rmbiah2svyjq9acq5vb/Player-prev.log?rlkey=3ffbvw8zreg8nov5ema5xqvhi&st=xicb03fr&dl=0
  5. Hey, I see there are reports of bugs with fairings but from what I understand the issue I'm having doesn't match the description of other's issues. My fairings function normally, but there is a very distracting texture bug on the tip of all the variants. The gold bit and its pattern seen in the picture below changes depending on the variant (black & white for instance) and I can't for the life of me find a fix. I desperately want to figure this out, it's very triggering :c (pardon my English, I'm not a native speaker)
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