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  1. I'm a c# software developer with absolutely zero Unity experience. Over the last day and a half I've cobbled together a scrappy little mod to add folders to the tracking station. I wouldn't be able to guarantee a smooth experience or the most optimal of code - I just wanted to see if there was any interest in the community for this to be released this to the public. I'd probably want to take a day or two to polish it up, but the main piece of functionality is allowing the player to sort their active missions into collapsible folders with 1 layer of depth. Side note, if anyone knows of any mods that do this already please let me know - I'm familiar with Haystack Recontinued which doesn't quite do what i want.
  2. I know this is super old at this point, but have there been any updates on this by chance? Is this something Parallax or Waterfall would need to change for a more permanent fix? I'm still seeing some plume weirdness over Minmus and Vall. This doesn't seem to have any effect for me. Looking at the waterfall source code it doesnt seem like that particular setting ever gets referenced at all.
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