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  1. Bonjour, ce serait excellent de pouvoir construire des stations avec plusieurs ports d’amarrage par section. Par exemple pour pouvoir donner des formes carrés aux stations type vaisseau mère j’essaie actuellement d’en construire mais il y a toujours un port d’amarrage qui semble « démagnétiser » et ne se dock pas . Cela offrirait par ailleurs plus de rigidité et plus de possibilités pour faire d’une station un habitat et une station service par exemple voir un hangar. N’hésitez pas si vous voulez des screenshots. Bien à vous. [translation added by moderation] Hello, it would be excellent to be able to build stations with several docking ports per section. For example, to be able to give square shapes to mothership-type stations, I'm currently trying to build some, but there's always a docking port that seems to "demagnetize" and doesn't dock. This would also offer greater rigidity and more possibilities for turning a station into a habitat, a service station or even a hangar. Don't hesitate to send me some screenshots. Best regards.
  2. HI, I think it would be amazing to be able to design ships with multi docking ports. Especially in view of the interstellar colony part. I tried to build a small fuel station + habitats and if possible a hangar but I saw that I was very quickly limited when I went to more than two docking ports. As in the screenshot we can see that one of the ports doesn't seem to want to dock. A solution or a possible reflection on your part? thank you for this incredible game that just needs to evolve best reguards.
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