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  1. There's also a matter of in-flight trajectory adjustment. While doing retro burns to prepare for reentry, you want your trajectory towards the landing site goes as planned, so having the service module still attached until just before reentry could allow the crew to make minute adjustments and corrections, because once you start the reentry, there's no turning back, no controls and no more corrections. If you drop the command module too early, you're basically gambling your fate. It's just you returning to earth like ICBM warhead purely on ballistic trajectory
  2. After it did maneuver burn into suborbital trajectory to set the release of command module, I don't think it would have enough fuel left to boost it's trajectory back into earth orbit, especially since the command module need it until just before reentry (Even with automated system, by the time the umblical connection is severed, there won't be enough time or fuel left to boost it back)
  3. If humans have mastered capabilites to mine resources from space, what kind of resources in our solar system that's worth to be mined, especially on some planets/ moons that could serve as the primary source of such endeavor? (Assuming we're already advanced enough to do regular interplanetary travel with permanent colonies beyond Earth orbit)
  4. Some place like our own moon is too good to pass up as a hub for further space missions
  5. In a lot of medias, whenever there's a planetary-based colony, there's a high probability that asteroid strikes is mentioned as a major hazard for the colony (especially if the colony's celestial body has little to no atmosphere). In a lot of them the solution is either have a network of guns to destroy the object or in more softer sci-fi, an bubble of energy shield But in real life, what'll be a realistic measure to handle such a threat? Assuming there's an asteroid big enough to threaten a colony by causing major damage to infrastructure, what solution that's most likely being implemented in real life? Shoot it with ground-based gun? Launch a missile to divert it's trajectory? Attach probes on it with thrusters to divert it? Or what? (energy shield is obviously not in the option)
  6. Does the amount of colonist needed different between planetary-based colony and orbital-based space colony? Assuming the necessities such as food, life support, basic services and healthcare etc. is already fulfilled, what's the minimum amount of colonist needed in order to create a stable and growing population?
  7. Thanks for the answer. Does that also mean the higher the vehicle's mass, the higher the stress inflicted upon the vehicle, the higher the G-force is?
  8. Hello Everyone, I'm new in this forum. And I have something to ask Does a G-force inflicted upon person's body correspondent to the mass of the vehicle itself? For example, a car and a warship moves at the same speed, before suddenly making a sharp turn to the left (same turn angle at the same same speed). Assuming the person is in seated position inside the car and a warship, does the one on warship experience much more G-force than the one on the car? Thank you for reply
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