probable Bug-Report and Question/Request
Hi there, thank you for this realistic career.
I just started a new career and just completed the difficult downrange contract (500u 240km) after waiting a while to get a good elapsed time bonus.
Now this exact same contract can be accepted again and the elapsed time bonus was not reset (for both DR contracts).
1st: is it intended, that it stays the same basic contracts?
2nd: shouldn't the bonus be reset to 0?
Is it possible to get a complete list of integrations/constructions and crafts in store or ready for launch if I am using more than one Space Centre (biome science, polar orbits, so 3 to 4 in total)? If not, could this be implemented so one does know were a launch can be made, maybe combined with a way quick switch without using tracking station? Or maybe at least a filter in tracking stations to filter for Space Centres that are in use? I'd say this would improve quality of life a lot...