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Everything posted by Rhadegund

  1. You sir are a genius I only wish I had seen this before I assumed it was corrupt save game files and removed my full tech tree save :-( you live and learn!
  2. Well there goes my Christmas holidays, my poor kids won't see me! That aside, this is great news but I'm a little underwhelmed. Mainly as I expected science to partially unlock via exploration and doing things or at least receive a large boost to research via exploration/things e.g. "Tim C Kerman had a dream that a Munstone contains alloys that could stop our larger prototype rockets from exploding after 15 seconds and giving us 30 seconds before unscheduled disassembly. We just think he ate some old mushrooms but we promised to try it for the funsies anyway, bring back a Munstone to accelerate this technology" The idea being it was something optional and fun that would be a slight challenge to do without a well balanced prior research. You could do this with many things like a surface sample, atmospheric sample, mining specifc resources etc. Acceleration could be tweaked to be even 100% of the science cost to give people a challenge to open up the tech tree just by exploring. Anyway, great work team, once these wobbly rockets are gone I'll be back playing.
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