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  1. I just experienced this myself, literally just bought the game for the For Science! update and got hit by it on my first launch. I tried changing a bunch of graphics options as at first I thought my ultrawide monitor was causing it, but so far changing resolutions or going into windowed mode has not fixed it when returning to launch and hitting the Erlenmeyer flask button. I'll try to do some more testing. Full testing results: Ok so, I changed resolutions from ultrawide to 1920x1080 and then switching through windowed, fullscreen and borderless has not changed this behaviour. I also then repeated these steps and relaunched the game, then created a new campaign and the issue still persisted. I am rebooting my pc in a last ditch effort to salvage the situation... and nope. I guess I will have to reluctantly jump into sandbox until this is patched. NGL, kinda dampened the excitement I had for this early Christmas present. Oh well, here's to hoping it gets patched soon. EDIT: I would like to add that I left out information that is relevant to this bug. This behaviour is not just unique to the Erlenmeyer flask button but the button that brings up your science reports in general that also produces this UI behaviour. I am not sure if this bug clips off any information that is relevant, and will check this when I wake up, if it doesn't I can continue to play exploration mode tomorrow hopefully, by manually closing it using other UI elements.
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