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Captain Wolf

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Everything posted by Captain Wolf

  1. I'm using shift and control for the throttle. I always have sticky keys disabled because I have never used them. Still, when I hit the shift button five times, I am asked if I want sticky keys. I click no. But the next time that shift is pressed five times, I am asked again. I have been to accessibility / keyboard several times. Sticky keys is disabled. But how do we disable being asked if we want to enable it all the time? Is there a fix for this? If not, I don't mind rebinding the keys either. This is more of a windows question than a KSP issue. Advice?
  2. I bought the game, saved $10, enjoyed watching my little green friends again, asked a few questions in the forum, and went to the Mun. I'm not done yet.
  3. Ok, I think you and Periple may be right after all. I was more concerned with the location of the decoupler and not paying much attention to the staging . I'll mess around with this more later. But everything was working fine when I restarted a new campaign.
  4. I could tell it was a glitch, so I just restarted a new campaign and everything is fine with the decouplers now. Moving forward, is this the best place to post these kinds of questions? There are a lot of subforums.
  5. No, I added the decoupler between the CM and the FT. When it is there, t /w goes to zero. When it is not, its says about 5300. I tried other builds, and the decouplers never work. Always makes t / w zero.
  6. I am having problems with with my first launch. Particularly with decouplers. When I make a rocket like this it works fine: Parachute Command Module Fuel Tank Engine But when I add a decoupler anywhere it the stack, I get an error message that my thrust / weight is zero. It's like it doesn't want me to use decouplers anywhere. What am I doing wrong?
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