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  1. I understand, you mean doing with the two versions (ksp1 and ksp2) like Wikipedia does with the different languages. My only objection is that this solution requires an organizational effort, reaching consensus, etc. While organizing both contents that the community is already slowly inserting into the instance that already exists seems more realistically reachable to me. It's also the right time since we're at the beginning of the discussion. Why? The Company was ok with the wiki of KSP1, why sould be different now?
  2. Not necessarily! The wiki software (MediaWiki) have all the tools the community needs to afford this thing. KSP has a community waiting to massively restart to write the history of the game. It's already happening. For example: Kerbin (like duna Duna, the Kerbol System and other) already has a single main page about the concept of the planet with different sections about the KSP1 and KSP2 differences. The community did a wonderful job with KSP1: let's them to continue. The risk is of dispersing the know-how. KSP1 nad KSP2 specific pages can of course exist for example for Easter eggs or parts lists, the community will (they are still doing) find the right way! EDIT: i mean: we could already have this talk in the talk pages of the wiki!
  3. I've already started to add ksp2 stuff to https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com. And I'm not the only one. I would like to tell everyone to help!
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