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  1. Hi, Kontrol System 2 is super impressive, but can anyone help me? I'm trying to change a text label based on the change in status of a toggle. I was expecting to be able to change the label text inside the on_change function of the toggle itself. I can't work out how each UI element is uniquely identified I was expecting either a UID would be returned when instantiated or I would have to supply a unique name on instantiation. Also, Toggles don't have an assignable value when switched on is that correct? Not sure but maybe I'm missing something. TIA Rich
  2. Hi, Sorry if I'm missing something stupid, just trying things out looks really cool so far. Heres my code. But I'm getting the same name for both My and Target Vessel. "Default - Name-10" for both. But the Target is set as "Default Name-15" I hope someone can point me in the right direction. Best Rich use { Vessel } from ksp::vessel use { CONSOLE } from ksp::console pub fn main_flight(vessel: Vessel) -> Result<Unit, string> = { CONSOLE.clear() const myVes = ksp::vessel const myTar = myVes::Vessel::target::vessel CONSOLE.print_line("This Vessel="+myVes.name) CONSOLE.print_line("Target Vessel="+myTar.name) }
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