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Marvin M

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Posts posted by Marvin M

  1. On 3/13/2024 at 3:18 AM, InconspicuousKraken said:

    Yes. I wanted to help improve the wiki. Things like radarTimeout and gLimit aren't documented.

    There's a comment in code of aim-120 explain the radarTimeout . You may find this in "GameData/BDArmory/Parts/aim-120/amraam.cfg"

    radarTimeout = 5 //timelimit without a detected target before Active Radar guidance fails and LOAL could not lock a target (default is 5).

    As for the G limit, I have the same question, and I've got some clue. In"BDArmory/BDArmory/Weapons/Missiles/MissileLaunchParams.cs":

     if ((Vector3.Dot(vectorToTarget, missileFwd) < 0.965f) || ((!surfaceLaunch) && (missile.GetWeaponClass() != WeaponClasses.SLW) && (ml.guidanceActive))) // Only evaluate missile turning ability if the target is outside ~15 deg cone, or isn't a torpedo and has guidance
                        // Rough range estimate of max missile G in a turn after launch, the following code is quite janky but works decently well in practice
                        float maxEstimatedGForce = Mathf.Max(bodyGravity * ml.maxTorque, 15f); // Rough estimate of max G based on missile torque, use minimum of 15G to prevent some VLS parts from not working
                        if (ml.aero && inAtmo) // If missile has aerodynamics, modify G force by AoA limit
                            maxEstimatedGForce *= Mathf.Sin(ml.maxAoA * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

    Since I am not a programmer at all,  so it's all my stupid understanding to the code below:

    It seems that  missiles have a estimated G force that up to maxTorque, and minimum  ESTIMATED G force of 15G,  which will multiply by a factor(0 to 1) of Sin(maxAoA).  The part I am not sure about is bodyGravity, which defined as 

    float bodyGravity = (float)PhysicsGlobals.GravitationalAcceleration * (float)missile.vessel.orbit.referenceBody.GeeASL; // Set gravity for calculations;

    In this case bodyGravity shall be 9.81m/s2(is it?), and the G force of missile, for example the Aim-120, would be 9.81*60≈540G...which might not be a reliable number for me. 60G seems more realistic for me.

  2. On 4/25/2024 at 5:54 AM, BlindSniper0393 said:

    Can someone tell me how to let the IR taregting camera lock(with the "IR" on the screen instead of the "NO IR")a further object ? Now I can only increase its zoom multiplier and the locking distance at which the display "NO IR" is displayed, but I hope that it will be able to guide SALH missiles at a distance of at least 20km.

    Not sure how you increase the locking distance, but I think add a line of code:

    maxRayDistance = 50000

    to targetingCam.cfg would do some help(at least it works for me), where to add is shown below.

    	name = ModuleTargetingCamera
    	cameraTransformName = camTransform
    	eyeHolderTransformName = eyeHolderTransform
    	zoomFOVs = 40,15,3,1,0.2
    	gimbalLimit = 120
    	maxRayDistance = 50000

    You can edit the number as you wish, 50000 means 50km, BUT this may cause unpredicted problems since developers had defined this in somewhere of source code instead of cfg file...

  3. 57 minutes ago, Marvin M said:

    Hi, I have the jitter issue too. And I find that in 1.6.9 change log, targeting camera(s) have been adjust the ability of tracking moving objects, that might be the cause of the jitter? Since cameras work well in 1.6.8

    I am confuse about inertial guidance too, not only phoenix, the swordfish torpedo in BDAe works like a un-guidance torpedo. And the phoenix should have a "aamloft" ballistic, but seems not working for now.

    About the targeting camera jitter, I have uploaded video and log of the game, when the camera is...  let's say jittering . Hope this would help figure out why.


  4. On 12/26/2023 at 11:17 PM, DocNappers said:

    I don't think any jitter is intentional. It's likely an interaction between the mouse movement (when adjusting the camera) on rendered frames and the plane's movement on physics frames. I can add it to the list of things to look into.

    I don't see that much jitter when using the camera, even at 4x zoom from 10km altitude. One thing that can help is to enable "Lock Target" when the camera is close to the right position to stabilise it and then continue to adjust the camera to fine-tune the point before sending the GPS coords.

    Hi, I have the jitter issue too. And I find that in 1.6.9 change log, targeting camera(s) have been adjust the ability of tracking moving objects, that might be the cause of the jitter? Since cameras work well in 1.6.8

    On 12/27/2023 at 11:11 PM, Rakete said:

    I meant the jitter while having target lock on.  Without the lock on i don't have a chance to target anything.

    I have a hard time trying to target e,g, a patriot battery from lets say 8km height using maximum zoom. Also: the camera movement on max zooms seems to be so slow, that it hardly keeps up with the movement of the plane and the jitter. I guess, it would be very nice, if you could look into it. In 1.5.x the jitter was not there and the camera hat perfect image stabilizers.



    @SuicidalInsanity I really love the new features of BdaExtended. But i have some questions. How do missiles with inertial/terminal guidance work? E,g, lets take the phoenix missile as an example. I tried to radar lock a target, but the missile just steered downwards and exploded below my plane. How can I tell the missile the target. It did not seem to lock on anything? I guess the mistake is on my side as user. Is there any guide how to use the newer air-air-missiles with locking types that are new (i mean not the classic SARH like AMRAAM and not classic heatseeker like sidewider... those types a clear to me... but the others, that come with the r3ecent bdaExt. Parts) i come from a 1.5.8 BDA+ install, and those locking types weren't a thing back then)

    I am confuse about inertial guidance too, not only phoenix, the swordfish torpedo in BDAe works like a un-guidance torpedo. And the phoenix should have a "aamloft" ballistic, but seems not working for now.

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