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  1. Thanks I will try options 2 or 3. Option 1 is not an option, as I mentioned in the OP because I think there’s a bug that others have also experienced from my Google searching. I know how to pick up, deploy, EVA construct, etc and none of it works. The deployables are just stuck there on the surface and nothing can be done with them, no matter what type of Kerbal, or what their experience level is. I’ve wasted too many rockets and fuel sending different crews to try and fix this. However, there are other threads about this bug so let’s not try to solve it here. Let’s just keep this thread on topic… how to terminate them. Thanks for the response, I’ll try out those other options next time I’m on the PC.
  2. Like the title says, how can I terminate deployable science? I’d like to do some clean up and get rid of “junk” left on the Mun. I can no longer pick it up or interact with it using a Kerbal, so please don’t suggest this option. Is it possible to terminate like you would with debris floating around? If not, where in the file system would I need to make an edit? In the saved game file? I’m not sure, and afraid to touch the saved file if I don’t have to. Thanks in advance!
  3. To be honest, I haven’t tried KSP2 yet, so don’t know if this is implemented, but would love it in KSP1 even though I think development is done? There should be a cost to send a Kerbal into space. Perhaps based on experience level. Otherwise, there’s no reason to send level 1 Kerbal’s up unless you are trying to get them experience. I think it would add another dimension of gameplay if it were to cost something like a few thousand per Kerbal, per experience level. Maybe even add additional cost to that when recovered so those that are gone for a few years really make you think about keeping the missions as short as possible when crewed. A level 5 Kerbal on a two year mission should really hit the bank hard. No, I’m not a member of any Kerbal union Just a thought. Cheers!
  4. Love the mod. Thanks so much! You mentioned the spread angle can be changed in the config. Can you show an example or point me to where this is? Thanks again!
  5. I mistakenly posted this in the KSP2 area. My issue is in KSP1. If a moderator sees this, please move this topic to the KSP1 mod forum. Thanks!
  6. Hi, I briefly tried out RealChutes, then decided to delete it. After that, my parachutes no longer seemed to produce drag, even though they would come out and inflate. I restored the files through Steam's "check integrity" feature and then all was good again. However, I didn't notice that their sizes never restored. I also have the Restock mod, but not sure if this is the culprit. My drogue chute (Mk12-R) is much larger than before, and my main chute (Mk2-R) is much smaller...smaller than my drogue now. It just looks terrible. I can't seem to find the file to change it back. I did go into the configs in ...Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\Utility\parachuteMk2-R (and the other chute too) and confirmed that the .cfg file is identical to the original non-modded file. Perhaps it is in the .mu binary file that I'm unable to edit? I have never installed any other mod that will change the size of parts. I think there's one called Tweakscale or something like that? If so, that's definitely not the issue since it was never installed. Also, the spread angle on the drogue still works, but not for the main chute. I remember this being a thing after trying out RealChutes, so I think something was permanently changed with the chutes, even after removing the mod and then checking integrity thru Steam. Please help me restore my chutes back to stock so that my drogue is a small chute and the main is a big one. Also, just curious if the change is global and will affect only new builds, or all existing builds as well. I'm not sure if the parachute config file and size info is copied into each rocket separately or not. It would not be convenient to have to change settings on each rocket, but if that's the case then I can deal with it. Thank you Kerbal community! -GT-
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