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  1. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: i9 9600K | GPU: 2060 super | RAM: 32GB My pol lander was unable to touch down on the surface. The bottom of the craft is a 2.5m engine plate that was sized with the lower node extending past the bottom of the landing legs. The screenshot shows what it looked like when trying to land vertically with the lander seeming to float above the surface. The landing legs are retracted here but if they weren't they would not be able to touch the ground. The lander was able to touch down and take on a "landed" state by pitching over the lander so that it rests on its side. My guess is that there was a collider associated with this lower node that was still active. The lower node was connected to a small docking port at launch and undocked earlier in the mission. The upper node was attached with an extra-small decoupler to the rover in the background of the screenshot. The engine plate's shroud was disabled in the VAB before launch. I have not tested this lander yet on any other planets/moons, but I can if that would help Thank you! Included Attachments: StaccatoI.json
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