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Everything posted by prj45

  1. As I related it to my 10 year old on Whatapp. I had sent a mission to the mun, but the craft ran out of fuel when it got there and couldn't escape, so that's one kerbal in orbit around the mun with no way of getting back . Then I sent another craft with another kerbal in it, t, by that time I had enough science to unlock the three kerbal pod. I managed to get the first kebal to space walk out of their craft with no fuel and get into the second craft, but that had run out of fuel as well. So now I had two kebals in the second craft, with no way of getting a back from the mun. So I sent a third kerbal in a third craft and managed to orbit the moon, have my two kerbals in the dead craft use their jet packs to get to the kerbal in the third craft. Here they all are! Look how happy there are, and I was beaming ear to ear! And that craft had enough fuel to get back to kerbal from the Mun (JUST!) , so now they are back home on Kerbal!!!
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