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  1. Yeah I found out about the missing occlusion. Still I'd expect the connection made to the closest relay, but that's probably another bug/shortcoming of the current game.
  2. Really nice mod, but +1 for a quick toggle option. Also the lines passing through celestial bodies are somewhat confusing. In the example below (pathmode on) I'd expect the Ike orbiter to connect to the right-most relay sat within clear line of sight, not through two bodies to the most distant relay.
  3. Very helpful mod, thanks! Minor nitpick: the text in the Transfer Window input fields is barely readable, what with the dark blue text on dark grey background. And I can't seem to find a way to abort the setting of a new alarm other than by closing the Alarm Clock window. Some sort of 'Back' or 'Esc' button would be nice.
  4. Some more pet peeves: Consistent toggle-click-policy, basically every mouse click (or keystroke) that opens a new UI element should close that element when clicked/stroked again. This already works pretty much everywhere but not with right-clicking parts, e.g. when wanting to quickly check a throttle limit or some such. It would be great if you could just right-click the part again to close the Parts Manager, instead of having to move the mouse across the screen to the Close button or to the app bar. In the same vein, the top left "Burger" button should stay visible once clicked, so you can just click again to close the menu instead of having to move to the "Resume" line. It'd also be great if the App bar were extendable with favorite apps. Also regarding the app bar: the last (re)opened app window should be displayed in the foreground. Currently the z-order seems to be hardcoded corresponding to the order of the items in the app bar and app list, with the parts manager trumping them all.
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