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  1. I was going to put this under an older thread but it told me it was too old and to start a new one. I play on PS5. I csnt figure out how to go into construction mode during an EVA. I also can't figure out how to open the inventory slots for the modules. I can only open the slots in the storage boxes. The only thing I've been able to do with kerbals inventory is the ground science stuff nothing else. Is this not a ps5 thing? What happens when a solar panel gets knocked off? Do you have to deorbit the station and fly up a new one?
  2. You do know there are people who think the moon landing was fake. That the earth is flat. Especially if your doing intersteller travel you need something other than a telescope tondiscover planets. We used satellites like hubble and such. Just adding something to career mode.because once you orbit the plant and do your experinments you don't need. Fancy satellite for anything other than relay. That's kinda boring. You could even have a mission tonfind rare material onnother planets to use to research and build a war drive or device for intersteller travel through wormholes.
  3. No you would launch one satellite. That one would act as a scanner and relay all thebothet planets and such back to you for more accurate trip planner. There is no telescope in KSP so launching a Hubble style satellite could act as a way to discover other planets. It is a game and making more mission and objectives to unlock new things is kinda the point. You wouldn't need multiple ones just one to scan. Then if you want a comms network you can launch more or one to survey a planet up close in that planet or moon orbit. Then have them break down and need to be repaired by an Engineer. So you would have to launch to that satellite and fix it or bring it back home for modifications Then relaunch it. Just would make for more fun and meaningful missions.
  4. I've seen complaints about the trip planner not being accurate. First off that shouldn't be a freely given thing. That should be earned after a satellite is launched and scanning the solar system for information so you can use that to build your trip. That would be a fun mission and part of a pathway forward to the mun and other places. Keep the planner but only make it available if their is the satellite in orbit. Similar to the astroid scanner in ksp1. I would love to see a formal space x line up in the game such as starship and crew dragon like making history did for the saturn V. Make it DLC. So many ideas but understandably it takes work and time to include them in a game. I like the idea of placing a marker on a planet and being able to make a manuver to that point.
  5. I have tried many thing to get this to work. Nothing works. Can anyone help me understand how to fly my taxi? Attached is a video of my build. And just one of the many attempt to try to get it to work. https://youtu.be/xnkDuIho9Fw?si=eQCobL2QWzlpCtF4
  6. I have tried programing the controllers and changing rotor pitch but can not figure this out. How can I make this fly? Soon as it launches it apins out of control. I would like the motor to be off when I launch then turn on then be able to control the motor to lift off and fly. I can not seem to get it to work. I've gotten the rotors to pitch a time or two then it stops working. Please help me understand how to set these up. This will open so many more creative doors for me. I cant upload my images for some reason. It is a drone type with a rotor on all 4 corners.
  7. For the life if me I can not figure out action keys for ps5. I think inset it up in the editor but how do it know its activated and what button activate it? It's not in the radial menu.
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