Hey Sushut I know I am a nobody when it comes to ksp modding but I was wondering if there is a way I could get in contact with you over discord or email. I have been working on a project for a while now and my goal is to bring RSS back to life just by adding the support for graphics mods and optimizing and bug fixes and new objects in our solar system but as I near the end I had an idea to take RSS and turn it into RMWG “Real Milky Way Galaxy ” and anyways the help I need is figuring out how to randomly generate pre determined planets. An example of what I mean is let’s say there’s a star with a planet and that planet is in the Goldilocks zone there’s no real way for us to tell if the planet is barren or just a rock with water or even just a rock or it’s exploding with life so my idea was every time you start a new game with this mod that real life planet would be randomly generated within a certain set of parameters. I hope what I said makes sense lol if it doesn’t I’m really sorry but if you are interested in letting me pick your brain and teaching me the ways please let me know, I have a lot of time as I only go to university and this is my side project will I major in computer science and minor in astronomy and astrophysics.
sincerely some weird 17 year old from Canada