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Heller Kerman

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Posts posted by Heller Kerman

  1. On 3/21/2024 at 9:54 PM, BlindSniper0393 said:

    Hi there.

    Can someone tell me how to send the "solar thermal power mirror receiver" to the orbit without debugging or something? This bigass is 77 m× 27 m× 27 m in size! Almost bigger than the VAB!

    Lol, I tried that and failed miserably, the drag on that receiver is insane. The best results I got was when I turned the part upside down and put engines on top, still achieved only 16000 m with ca 5000 dV. I only managed to put it in orbit when exploiting the ability of engine plates to make parts dragless. Best solution is to build it in orbit using mods like global construction or extraplanetary launchpads.

  2. On 5/6/2023 at 10:15 AM, Qball said:

    I've been trying for the life of me to figure out how to make HTP using the ISRU.  I can't seem to find a tank that holds Water and Hydrogen to use with the process. 

    How do I collect hydrogen and water? What tanks can store it? 

    Dunno if I am answering too late but you can store hydrogen in hex segment gas tanks (gasseous state) and the liquid form in almost any tank provided you have interstellar fuel switch. Water can be stored in e.g. hex segment liquid tanks (or whatever they're called) and then electrolysed using ISRU electrolyzer pr the All in one ISRU into oxygen and hydrogen, which can be then turned into HTP. Recommend consulting first page of this thread, there is a neat flowchart of all ISRU processes.

  3. On 3/22/2024 at 7:05 PM, Ariel Kerman said:

    Hi! im not using KSPIE right now, but is an absolutely great mod. The reason i uninstalled it a few months ago, is because the daedalus engine just get broken in flight: I give it everything needed and it fire in the 1st ignition, but right after that, or after change to another vessel, the engine just show the plume but nothing else, stops generating thrust and the DeltaV desapear, even if the Pellets tanks are OK. Is no a bad setup of mine, just a bug that i was never able to solve. I writte this just in case somebody else face the same bug before, and can guide me in the right direction.

    Didn't you ran out of power for example? I just tried to replicate your problem in my testing save and all worked fine for me (switching to another vessel and throttling down to 0). I am too lazy to bother with sharing the craft file, but it was just the the daedalus engine, MHD generator, plasma fusion generator, big sphere tank with fusion pellets and a drone core. Tested on KSP 1.12.5 and latest release of KSPIE.

  4. On 3/21/2024 at 4:08 PM, LukewarmSpaghetti said:

    Did you ever find a solution to this issue? Was thinking of reinstalling FFT for the sweet PK-dust miners. 

    No, I never managed to get them to work, I suspect that there is a problem with Helium 3 resource generation in my install. Your post made me think about it again and an idea came to mind - edit the miner's config to make it harvest regolith (it's regolith miner afterall) instead of He 3 and then add ISRU like capability to convert it to He 3. I have no experience in ksp modding so don´t get your hopes up:D.

  5. Hi, has anyone tried to use the PK-dust collecting system (the big one)? Currently landed two of them on the Mun, however they are not harvesting, the context window says that there is "nothing to harvest", despite being in a regolith hotspot i found using Scansat. Any help is greatly appreciated.


    Update: tested the same craft in sandbox on various locations on Mun, Minmus, Ike, the harvester didn´t work on any of them. Tried also regolith drill from Interstellar extended and it worked fine. I guess there must be a communication problem between Community resource pack and Far future technologies?

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