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  1. Hello, i need help, because literaly half of my planes arent loading in the SPH. I had a mod named "Airplane Plus", but i had to reinstall the game, the mod dissapeared, i installed it agin (with the same mod file as the previous one) and the planes are still not loading. Please help me i had like 20 planes and i put so much work in them .
  2. Hello, i have a problem with the mod "BDArmory", when im creating soemthing, the icons for it dont appear in the options, the guns dont work, there is only .50cal ammo, but it doesnt work anyway, i havent tried other things bc im afraid my ksp will break also, it may be because im using the mod for an older version (there was no new version mod) if yes, please inform me.
  3. While i was loading ksp on version and mods "airplaneplus", "recall0.4.0.2" and module manager, a few nyan cats popped up and started moving around (i have no viruses, so im asking is this rare or something) so pls help
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